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  • There was  a hot and dry draft when I steped out of my little guesthouse. It helped a little to stand the heat. The gipsies had already taken over their place. A lot of dust in the air, I covered mouth and nose, looked to much Tourist with my big canon. When I turned around the next corner they saw me and it was obvious that I would be the next snake victim. That's what they thought but I had other ideas. " picture Sir, look Sir big snake not dangerous, verry cheap" they said. I refused and said not here maybe in their home in the desert depending on what they want. We came  to an agreement verry fast . They bought 10 kgs of rice a joke for me, a lot for them. They took their snakes and stuff and the deal was already enough to go home. So we went. The girl was extremly smart moved like a model. The parents were crazy about showing me their home. We arrived after 1.5 hours walk somewhere nowhere. We gathered in that little house and than my personal snake story started. These horrible beasts were all over in these little baskets. I was curious not realy afraid  but allert. They made chai with milk and then after a while they started to smoke, they got stoned and I took like , I dont remember a lot of pictures all quiet. Then they started to ask me if I would be scared of the snakes. I said " well I actually dont know if I'm afraid." " So than take that one and be careful they are verry aggressive, they can't bite you but anyway they attack you if....."  They showed me how to handle them and I did it and got over my snake fear. On my way home I felt like hovering between a lot of feelings. I think I cried a lttle I was extremly happy we had a great time together.   more pics in nomads


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